When attending a wedding ceremony as a guest, it is customary to present a gift to the newly wed couple. Gifts can demonstrate your gratitude for the invitation to this special event and a thought toward the couple's future together. When it comes to giving wedding gifts to Jehovah’s Witnesses, you may be undecided or you may not know what would make a proper gift. Jehovah’s Witnesses consider marriage as a Gift from a loving God. Jehovah’s Witnesses weddings call for a special gift. Here are a few wedding gift suggestions for the next time you attend a wedding ceremony of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

• Wedding Cards:
Specialized wedding cards have scriptural words from the Bible written on them which convey well wishes to the new couple. They make excellent wedding gifts to congratulate them on their ‘Big Day.’

• Bible Book Covers and Notebooks:
You can find beautiful Bible book covers in leather or leatherette at online stores that provide uniquely designed items for Jehovah’s Witnesses. Spiritual notebooks also make a good wedding present as this will help them take notes or note down lessons when they would attend Jehovah’s Witness conventions and meetings.

• Special Gifts:
You can present the couple with special gifts such as meeting bags, service bags, briefcases, Biblical posters, and more typically found at online stores providing Jehovah’s Witness ministry supplies.


If you are attending a Jehovah’s Witness wedding, then take the opportunity to give a gift to the newly wed couple and bless them for their new beginning.